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Droit_Dark_Mode Documentation

Droit Dark Mode Plugin is a great way to create a stunning dark version of your website and dashboard – easily and effectively. This WordPress Plugin allows you to turn enable/disable the dark mode option from the dashboard with tons of settings. It enables you to turn on/off dark mode in your website without lots of efforts, hassle or coding.

This WordPress dark mode plugin is very much user friendly, fully compatible to all browsers, operating systems and devices.

Time Setting

If you want to set your website dark for some

Dark Image

If any image in your website does not look good

Preset Colour

We have included a bunch of preset colour schemes which

Advance Settings

– Page settings : Page wise Dark Mode: Set if

Display Settings

Switch Style Select the switch button style for the front-end.

Setting Droit Dark Mode

– Front-End Options Enable Front-End Dark Mode Turn on to

Requirements Checklist

Droit Dark Mode is an extension exclusively built for Elementor

Getting Started

Look for “Droit Dark Mode” and click on the “Activate”

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